Saturday, September 06, 2014

OMG see the Mysterious connection between Beyonce and Joan Rivers Death

When news first broke that Joan Rivers passed away yesterday afternoon, people took to Twitter in doves with their reactions to the news, with some noting that the legendary comedian's death date happened to fall on Beyoncé's birthday.In no time, the conspiracy theories began to take shape. One particular theory stemmed from Bey and Joan's birth years.
It is in a way, a strange/weird coincidence of some sort.
Joan Rivers last tweet was about Beyonce on Aug 27 and she fell into a coma the next day during throat surgery only to die seven days after on Beyonce's 33rd birthday.
Interestingly, Joan was born in 1933 as well.
Even more creepy, Joan died at 81, Beyonce was born in 1981.

I've just read that Joan Rivers was born '33 & died at 81. Beyonce was born '81 & turned 33 today. Coincidence?

— Terry Stapleton (@TerryStapes) September 4, 2014Taking the insanity up a notch, another tweeter pointed out that one of Joan's last tweets consisted of some Beyoncé shade.
Joan's last tweet

Beyonce Karma is so REAL! #RIPJoanRivers
— ㅤ (@faizatbh) September 4, 2014

. @Joan_Riverslast joke on twitter was about the legendary #BeyonceIronic she would transition on Bey's birthday. Wow. — Lonnell

Williams (@3LWTV) September 4, 2014And then, of course, there are the folks who think
Bey and the Illuminati killed Joan.

joan rivers passing on beyonce's birthday…
— Jared (@jaredgnarly) September 4, 2014

One of Joan Rivers' last tweets and then she dies on Beyonce's birthday. Either a hit job or #ILLUMINATI.— Mike Roe (@MikeRoe) September 4, 2014

Joan Rivers died on Beyonces birthday Coincidence ? or #ILLUMINATI
— PIZZVGODDESS (@123shawnab) September 4, 2014

@Beyoncekilled @Joan_Rivers #illuminati— President Carter (@The_Kush_Corner) September 4, 2014

Joan Rivers berates Beyoncé and then passes away on her birthday…..hmmm
— Kawaii ♡ Kitten (@katconway) September 4, 2014

BEYONCE KILLED JOAN RIVERS!!! you can't tell me otherwise! — Gabby the Great (@_AsianDope_)

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